Misinformation Lab Seminar Series Invited Talk - Ben Grodeck - Demanding the Morally Demanding: Gender Differences in Response to Morally Demanding Charitable Solicitations

Jul, 2021
via Zoom

Date: July 16th 2021

Time: 11am Melbourne local time

Demanding the Morally Demanding: Gender Differences in Response to Morally Demanding Charitable Solicitations Ben Grodeck and Philipp Schönegger Should we confront people with morally demanding statements to perform certain actions. Specifically, should we tell people that they have a moral obligation to donate to charity? To investigate this question, we conduct an online randomized experiment via Prolific (n=2500) where participants can donate to charity. Using a between-subject design, we provide some participants with the same moral argument as to why they should donate. We then add and vary the level of the moral demandingness to donate across treatments by adding a single sentence. We find that moral arguments increase the amount donated by 51.7%. Further, we find that increasing the level of the moral demandingness does not affect the frequency or amount of donations. However, the highest level of moral demandingness (“You are morally obligated to donate”) has disparate effects on men and women. We find that 14% more women make a donation when faced with this nudge of high moral demandingness while men donate 31.9% less. These findings suggest that demanding the morally demanding may have disparate effects on different populations and may as such be applicable only in certain contexts.

The Misinformation Lab Seminar Series is a monthly event open to all members and friends of the lab. The seminar series is primarily motivated by a shared curiosity about the myriad of awesome perspectives and insights out there on information processing, behaviour change, open science, and promoting social progress. Our aim is to invite speakers from a diverse range of interests, lived-experiences, and research backgrounds to deliver their insights and perspectives on topics that they are excited about! The series also aims to provide our Psychology students at the undergraduate level to with the opportunity to hear, and engage with, talks by real-world researchers.

Whether you are a seasoned academic, Ph.D Student, or working in Industry - if you are interested in giving a Seminar Series talk, we would love to hear from you!